
Chocolate Kiss Movie Premiere in Detroit, MI

The movie Chocolate Kiss premiered Saturday, February 1st, 2020 at the Bel Air Luxury Cinema in Detroit, Michigan to five sold out theaters. This film is the third to be released and produced by The Shoe Lady Productions. Feature film Stay in Your Place and short film TEN are previous films produced by this company which can be viewed on Amazon Prime. Chocolate Kiss is about Ashley Valentine and her opening her heart after heartbreak. Learning to love again is a challenging task, and even more challenging when running your own business. Ashley could possibly allow her past to cause her to miss out on love. Check out the trailer below! The Chocolate Kiss soundtrack is compiled of very talented independent artists like Mike Jeffers, Tab Rasul, Tamara Jewel, Erica Paige, Koron, Mojo D and many more. Click the following Spotify player or search Chocolate Kiss Soundtrack on Apple Music and Spotify. If you missed the premiere you'll have a chance to catch an encor

Behind the Scenes of Filming Chocolate Kiss

A great production team coupled with a great cast creates a recipe for success. The process can't get any better than this. Producing Chocolate Kiss was a wonderful experience!


Auditions were great! There’s so much talent in the metropolitan Detroit area.

New Film Project

We are so excited to announce the production of our new film Chocolate Kiss will begin in Spring 2019. Click the pages for casting call information and music submission requests. #chocolatekissthemovie